What is Chebe Powder? What are the benefits of Chebe?

CHÉBÉ: The Chadian Hair Secret

Chebe is a Chadian mixture of herbs is made primarily from Croton Gratissimus, also known as the Lavender Croton. It is a shrub and it is actually grown all over Africa. This shrub is used for medicinal purposes and you can find it being grown outside houses, mainly in towns and villages.

What are the benefits of Chebe?

Anti Inflammatory: cleanses the scalp and prevents fungus and other scalp issues from growing in. 

It neutralizes the PH of the hair Shaft and the scalp.

It is moisturizing and allows the hair to grow in long, black and nourished locks.


Where to buy Chebe Powder?

You can now click the image below to purchase Chebe Powder. StimuGro has also used this Chebe ingredient and created a whole line of Chebe Products. 

Chebe Hair Shampoo

Chebe Leave-In Hair Conditioner

Chebe Hair Oil

Chebe Hair Powder

How to use Chebe Powder?


StimuGro's lead trichologist with the help of Naturapathic Doctors, we recommend using the following two guidelines for applying Chebe. 

Option 1
Use Chebe Powder as a treatment once or twice a week. Mix it with a preferable oil to make a paste. Apply the paste to the hair for a minimum of two hours with protective style for up to 5-7 days. Finally, rinse it with water to get the powder out. This method allows you to keep all the benefits of Chebe in your scalp without the smell of the powder.

For best results we recommend using the Stimugro Chebe Shampoo and Chebe Leave-in Hair Cnditioner with the treatment this way you would keep all of the benefits of the Chebe present. 

Option 2
Diffuse the Chebe Powder in oil for a short period and apply it to the hair. Olive oil can be used as a carrier oil and leave it in for 2-3 weeks in a glass jar in a dark and dry place. Shake every day (meanwhile, you can do the treatment as specified in option one) once done, the oil can be applied daily to dry hair to be left on. 


Purchase the Chebe Hair Kit by clicking here today!



  • Hi I’m Maria like to place a oder of chebe product but my problem is that I’m staying at South Africa at mpumalanga province if I send my oder it fails to go

  • I have white hair in my front hair,
    And i used hairdye,which seems to increade the white hair.please i want to know if chebe powder and oil can help me to darken my hair again.

    Joyce george

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